Critical counseling students need through school years

It’s not uncommon to see students committing suicides in the UAE due to exam stress, nor is it unique when physical fitness in students isn't seen as something to invest in. It's also not uncommon to see students doing badly in tests and making career choices that don't match their abilities!

The benefits of counselling for school students are often underestimated. From ensuring the physical and emotional well being to ensuring that students end up in choosing career options they are guaranteed to do well in, there's a lot that students can be given, with the right counseling sessions. 

 Parents are always on the lookout for schools providing a positive environment for their children. Opt for the best UK curriculum schools in Dubai that ensure that students are provided with the right types of counselling that not only helps them deal with stress, but ensures curricular and extracurricular accomplishments.


The article highlights the important counseling students require over the school years.

Types of counselling students need

 From an emotional support to providing them advice for their physical well being, to the right guidance to make the right career choices in the future, there’s a lot the proper guidance and counselling can help students achieve. Read on to know the different types of counselling students require through school:

Emotional health

Whether its depression, exam stress, anxiety or other social problems, it’s critical for students to have a shoulder to cry on and ears to listen to the problems they may be facing. Negative feelings are known to bring about certain devastations in student's lives, such as an increase in suicides.

Counselling has the ability to replace the negative feelings students may have with positive ones, bringing optimistic changes in the lifestyle of students, which is why it's important for schools to implement this essential counselling to help student out.

Physical health

Obesity may be a common problem most students face. Although stats show a decline in obesestudent population of the UAE, it’s essential to note that many students are still fighting! In addition, it's important to be a part of sports and fitness activities to ensure to keep fit during their academics.

Other than focusing on academics, schools should also be focused on providing the right extracurricular, sports and fitness activities that promote health in students. Whether it boys or girls, physical health remains important for both!

Academic counselling

Why the students are performing badly in a subject? What issues are they facing while learning?  How can strategies be altered for better understanding? All these factors are essential for achieving academic success.

 In addition by the time student’s graduate from high school, it's important for them to have an idea about what they wish to achieve and which career options to pursue. A student should be aware of where their potential lies. It's up to the best schools in the UAE to provide students with essential academic counselling.

Often parents worry whether enough counselling is being provided to students. The safest option is to opt for schools that believe in counselling students for the wellness of both schools and the students. Opt or the best UK curriculum schools in Dubai that allow students the privilege of effective counselling by the best teachers and counsellors.

Take Away

The journey through school is an essential one and it’s not just academics that need to be focused on. Physical and emotional well being along with the academic and career success remain crucial factors to build on during their 12 years of education. 

As parents, it's important to opt for schools that promote a culture that revolves around counselling and creating a better environment for students. 


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