How to maximize reading stamina in students

“Reading is essential for those who seek to rise above the ordinary.” – Jim Rohn reading stamina activities
Reading is a lovely habit!  And it's not just for the aged. It’s a habit that’s beneficial to everyone! Despite the benefits associated with reading, however, very few children feel encouraged enough to read. As the focus shifts towards hand held devices, books have taken a back seat.

In the UAE, the focus is shifting away from reading. According to a study, approximately average UAE students read about four books every year, compared to 20 in South Korea. The numbers seem to have opened the eyes of authorities as they introduce new policies to encourage reading. 

Top notch schools in the region have always been a supporter of book reading and stamina building activities, ensuring that children get time to read. The introduction of library blocks in the best British primary schools Dubai has encouraged students to read. The question then remains how the stamina of students can be increased, and this article targets just that! 

How to maximize reading stamina in students

Activities to build reading stamina in children

It's not hard to encourage your child to read for more extended hours or to grow out their stamina. A few activities and the participation of students and children can work wonders to encourage reading stamina in children. If you're wondering how you can do it, read on:

Use classroom and school libraries

Introduce books into your classroom. Organize a library within the class, and also include books on a wide variety of topics. The library should be available whenever kids want to read about something that’s mentioned in their curriculum. 

Also, schedule weekly visits to the school library and accompany students. This way teachers and librarians can have conversations about the best books.  Ask children to issue their favorite picks and read them till the next planned visit.

Eliminate distractions

Since its pretty easy for primary year students to get distracted, it's up to teacher sot make sure there are minimum distractions within the classroom.  Keep classroom doors closed to minimize noise that comes in. If your students want to share text that they find interesting, ask them to communicate in soft voices to not disturb the students around.

Create a reading nook!

Children tend to enjoy aesthetically exciting places, such as a fort made from cushions, camping tents made from blankets, and reading nooks. Create a reading nook for students. Use bright colored cushions and assign one to each student. 

Make sure that the cushions are comfortable to sit on. Since they're spending their time reading, the seating should be comfortable too!

Market good reads

In class, activities can help pique the interest of other children. Place a board in the classroom and allow each student to write the name of the book, the author and the reason why they liked the book. Get children to talk about the book in a way that influences other students, and they decide to read it too!

Encourage brain breaks!

It’s always a good idea to take a deliberate break when reading. After your students have spent a good thirty minutes reading let them take a break to freshen up their mind. Chat or stretch or exercise to let your students enjoy the task and not consider it a burden.

Encourage self-evaluation

A few times throughout the year, allow students to review the number of books they read, which ones they plan on reading, their favorite books. Encourage them to set goals for their reading activities and evaluate how well they're doing. For example, extending the reading time by twenty minutes or reading a higher standard book.

Take away!

 A few simple changes and your classroom can go on to become one with the most well-read primary students in the region.  The right activities and the proper focus can help build not only their stamina but also enhance their reading skills

Whether you’re a teacher or a parent and you’re looking for ways to enhance your young one’s reading stamina read the tips above.  If you’re a parent, opt for the best British Primary Schools in Dubai that have included reading as an essential part of their curriculum and let your child’s reading stamina grow! 


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