Seven helpful ways to enhance your child’s writing skills

Dubai based educators are trying to get hard children to write and to strengthen their writing skills. In order to create a writing friendly generation, they’re also coming up with various apps and programmes to help out with the problem! 

 Writing skills are incredibly essential in children, not only to enhance their interest in writing but also because writing makes up a huge chunk of their learning at school. Writing is a crucial medium that promotes learning for children. 

Schools are also adamant on creating a writing friendly generation as they encourage writing in children. The teaching methodologies allow maximum exposure to pen and paper in the best British curriculum schools in Dubai!

Seven helpful ways to enhance your child’s writing skills

How to enhance your child’s writing skills

Heres what you need to do to improve your child’s writing skills
  • Read with them

Reading out to your kids regularly not only helps create avid readers but also improves writing skills in children as it widens their imagination and vocabulary both. It also teaches them to use different words together and even in different ways. The child can implement things they've learned and use it in their writing
  • Create worksheets for them

For children who have just started writing, it's a good idea to have different worksheets they can practise writing on.  To help your child, write words in large fonts and cover the page up with another page and ask them to trace it out. 
Dots and half written alphabets can also be used to help with their writing. Ask them to trace out dots and guess the letters written.
  • Use an assortment of materials to write with

 Chalks, fingerpainting, pens and colour pencil all are interesting materials to make your kids write on different materials such as paper, sketch pad, blackboards, whiteboards etc.
  • Dedicate a space for writing

 Whether it’s a makeshift doll tent, your bedside nook, a corner under the stairs, create a nook for your child to write in. Use interesting décor to pique their interest.   The little corner should be away from distractions. To allow your child to focus on writing.
  • Write with them

Since you are your child’s first role model, anything you do, your child will follow. Ensure that you spend time writing with your child.  They will not only be more interested but will also ask you for help regarding spellings or any other mistakes they've made. 
  • Connect their interests with yours

If your child is interested in Finding Nemo and you're interested in their writing skills,  combine the two interests and make them write about their interest. Whether it's their favourite sport, or their best friend or their cat, make them write about everything they are interested in.
  • Use technology to your advantage

Children who are in the secondary and senior schools should be encouraged to blog. Make a blog for them on the topic that they're interested in. Not only will they improve their writing, but they'll be able to observe their overall growth and performance from past posts. 

 It’s not just your child's writing skills that need to grow with their age.  Reading is also an important skill which needs to be developed as children grow.

Read: Eight ways schools are enhancing your child's reading skills to know how the right schools can  help strengthen your child's reading abilities

Take Away!

In addition to the points above, opting for the best British curriculum school in Dubai is mandatory. The teaching methodologies ensure that your child gets a lot of writing practice while in their early years and grows up with a flair for writing!


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